The Initialization APIs

Kernel Initialization

This is the kernel initialization function. First, you must call this API.
void uos_kernel_init(void);

Task Setup

This is the task setup API. You must call this API after uos_kernel_init.
void uos_task_setup(TASKID tid, void (*task)(void), unsigned int priority);

Kernel Startup

This is the kernel starting API. You must call this API after uos_task_setup.
void uos_kernel_start(void);

The Task APIs

Task Sleep

This kernel API allows you to sleep the current task.
void uos_task_sleep(unsigned int ms);

Task Yield

This kernel API allows you to change the current task.
void uos_task_yield(void);

Task Event (Sender/Receiver)

These kernel APIs allows you to communicate between your application tasks.
void uos_task_event_send(TASKID tid, unsigned int value);
You can also get the sender task ID from the API.
void uos_task_event_recv(TASKID *tidptr, unsigned int *valptr);

Time API (Kernel/Task)

These kernel APIs allows you to get the running time for the kernel and the task.
void uos_time_kernel(uos_time_t *timeptr);
The uos_time_t is defined in uosdef.h and is the small structure for the time information.
void uos_time_task(uos_time_t *timeptr);

Task State Diagram