Have you tried to develop a key input feature on your small embedded platform with a serial input? It is not so easy to implement correctly because the input methodology is using a complicated protocol known as VT100. In my recent project "Natural Tiny Shell (NT-Shell)" provides VT100 compatible terminal control features for small embedded systems. However, the middleware is still large for small embedded processors such as 8-bit MCUs, 16-bit MCUs and also for small 32-bit MCUs like Cortex-M0. This "MicroShell" middleware provides a minimal terminal control for the platforms.
Since 2016
IFX-49 is a development board to learn and develop audio effect solutions based on Analog Devices mini DSP. Blackfin MiniConfig for IFX-49 allows you to configurate/write the DSP programs into the DSP board easily.
Since 2015
'A tiny MML parser' is a C library for parsing MML(Music Macro Language). It can be easily integrated into the very small embedded systems such as Arduino and mbed.
Since 2014
UOS-LPC800 is a real-time operating system for NXP LPC800 series. It provides multi-tasking, sleep, yield, and message-passing features in your design easily. You can select the scheduling algorithm such as Round-Robin or Priority-Based. Please see uosdef.h for the details. The implementation of the kernel is really simple. You can learn how the RTOS works, and how RTOS implemented by examining the source codes.
Since 2013
Natural Tiny Shell (NT-Shell) is a C library for embedded systems. It provides VT100 compatible terminal control feature and needs only serial read/write functions for the porting.
Since 2010
第7章 1500円定番ARMマイコン・ボードで試して合点! アプリはスクリプトで柔軟に!マイコン用MicroPythonプログラミング p.57-64
第2部 レベルアップ !フリーのCプログラミング道具箱 第2章 MinUnit/Gcov/gprof/SourceMonitor...使えるソフトあれこれ シンプル・便利・基本的!フリー・ソフトで高品質プログラミング p.28-37
技術解説 FM3マイコンで試す! メモリ・ダンプ・モニタの作成 ROM 10Kバイト/RAM 1Kバイトでヒストリ機能付き! コマンド入力ライブラリNT-Shell p.174-181
お手軽マイコン・ボード mbed 30分クッキング 今どきの開発環境で超高速試作! SDカード対応のポータブルFPGA書き込み器
今どきの開発環境で超高速試作! お手軽マイコン・ボード mbed 30分クッキング 世界温度計 コラム イーサネット通信用のライブラリが充実 p.208-